Monday, July 28, 2008
This is my job even when bad things happen...
Okay, it took me a little bit to find how I would talk about this incident, but I decided I need to just tell the story as it happened. Last Monday night I went back in to Jerusalem to work a night shift with a friend, and then help with practical tests for the new course that was about to end. During lunch I was asked to come with a friend on the ambulance to go to the office and getting supplies for a ceremony we were having later that day, and he said we would grab lunch while we were out. So we went to the office, picked up another friend while there, and got some food. We were driving back towards the course when the pager went off that there was a shooting 2 seconds away from where we were. Since we had an ambulance we were the neareast ambulance to the seen, and were asked to go respond to the call. We arrive on the scene and all I can see is soldiers and SWAT and Police and people everywhere. Then more ambulances started to arrive and other Conanim(1st responders) for MDA. Right in front of the ambulance I was on was a tractor that you could see someone laying there dead. I started to have a weird feeling while I waited for my 2 friends to come back from assessing the scene and let me know what was up. They then told me it was a terrorist attack not just a shooting, and that we were the first ambulance on scene. I kept my cool, and continued to do what was asked of me. There was a guy evacuated in the intensive care ambulance with a amputated leg, and then almost 20 other patients. The terrorist was the person shot, and he did in fact get killed. We took a person to the hospital as well with problems with his back from the car accident that resulted from this event. We were not able to go back to the course for a few hours after that or eat our food. I stayed calm throughout the entire event, but it was truly the first time I was afraid of anything here in Israel. I finally felt the feeling that Israelis feel every time there homeland is attacked. This is my other home, and I do not want to see people destroying it, and thats what hurt me more than anything. I wish there would just be peace.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I know its been a while...sorry!
Ok, so yes it has been a while, but as always a lot has gone on recently. Since then, I have still been working, and hanging with friends. The weekend after the fourth of July, I had another CPR of a 27 year old with cancer. It was a rough call because of how young he was but I dealt with it the best anyone can. I had a call almost 2 weeks ago to a very interesting situation. We were called to a guy that was not feeling well in a house of ill repute. It was not a place I ever thought I would walk into, but in the end the guy refused to come to the hospital. The night after this weird call, I went to a friend from MDA's house for a Shabbat weekend with friends. We had Shabbat dinner together, and lunch together but Friday night was the best part of the weekend. We played some card games, and then somehow all of us ended up getting thrown into the pool in our clothing. We were laughing and joking around like crazy, and it was seriously a fun weekend. Then during the week after that Shabbat, I got a call to a stabbing. When we arrived on scene and got the patient in the ambulance, we bandage the stabbing on his head as well as the one on his ear, his ear was kind of hanging there, but was cut pretty was not a pleasant sight. I was angry about this call because of what I found out after. The guy who got stabbed was an Israeli soldier, and the person who stabbed him stole his weapon at the same time and got away. That had been the 2nd time this happened in 2 days, and it was really upsetting to think about. Then, this past week, another course started for the overseas program with MDA. I have been back and forth there to help out with the course logistics. It has been fun, and I also got a call there in Bayit Vagan. We were downstairs organizing uniforms for the new students, when we heard that there was a call down the block. It was a call for an unconcsious person. Three of us went to the call, and it turned out to be a CPR. The person did not live, but I did see something interesting at the end of the call. For the first time I saw a family say kaddish right then and there while we were on scene. The son ripped his shirt as well and lit a yiskor candle all within minutes. It was a little hard to see that but thats what happens. After the call we were heading back to the course, and something a little funny happened. My friend was driving out of the street and braked at the end before pulling out. Right after he stopped a little kid on a bicycle came riding out of nowhere into the car and flew off his bike. We were in shock but the kid jumped back up and told us nothing was wrong and he was ok. One friend got out to make sure he was ok and my other friend was busy asking if the car was okay. It was pretty amusing, but the kid was fine and left with his friends right after. Also, this week the exchange of 2 Israeli soldiers that had been kidnapped during the last Lebanon war took place. We gave back almost 200 dead terrorists and 5 live terrorists for our soldiers to come back dead. I was extemely angry by this because it makes them get what they want when they get live terrorists back who are sayin they will just go do the same things again. We cant keep giving in to what these people want, it will never help Israelis and Arabs come to any sort of peace over the land. The fighting has to stop sometime...but sadly I dont think it ever will. During the week I came back to do a shift in Tel Aviv, with my friend and driver Elchanan. We got a call near the end of the shift to a car accident. It was a 3 car accident but 2 cars were fine and left not long after. The 3rd car of people wanted to go to the hospital but wanted to go to the hospital that was closer to their homes which we could not go to, so they asked us to just give them the forms and check their vitals. Elchanan asked me to check the guy in the back seats pulse right before we finished up, and as I went to check it his friend decided to start driving and ran over my toes. I was screaming and finally someone realized and had the guy back up off my foot. I am ok, I have iced it and been taping it since then. It didnt pay to go get xrays because even if it is broken there isnt much that can be done for a broken toe. Then, I also spent Shabbat at the course. It was a lot of fun, and we played our MDA game of Jungle Speed as usual. It got a little violent but it was tons of fun. After shabbat we left for Tel Aviv, and I am now getting read to head back from Ranaana to my shift with Elchanan. I think I may have missed some things in this update but so much happens on a daily basis that it is hard to keep up with it all sometimes. I will be heading back to the course on Tuesday to help with testing, and then to go to the Yochai Porat Ceremony...he is the guy who founded the overseas program. After that we will go out hopefully to celebrate the end of the course. I have less than 3 weeks here in Israel, and I am getting so sad about having to leave here. It will be great to see my family and friends again, but I will miss being here in Israel with everyone. Lauren, I cant wait to be in NY with you cause you will be my connection to MDA and to Israel once back in NY, and I love you and miss you lots. Anyway, as you can now read all is well still, and I am still having the time of my life. Looking forward to hearing comments back from people. Love you all!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!

Okay so I can not believe it is July 4th already. Time has flown by and I am still having an amazing time! Yesterday was an interesting day. I was asked to come help with a booth for American Friends of Magen David Adom, at the US Ambassadors house for a 4th of July celebration on July 3rd. I worked the event with 3 of my friends from the overseas program. We got there early to deal with the security stuff and set everything up, and it was a good thing we did. The view was gorgeous and we got to just hang out at the Ambassadors house which was huge! So before people came we took some pictures of the various food things they had there, and other things that were around. They happened to have a booth from the restaurant Hooters, and so of course I had wings which were amazing. Being that it was the Ambassadors house we also had some US Navy, US Marines, and US Army personnel present. There were also secret service all over as the Prime Minister of Israel was coming to the party. Anyway, we got pictures with the US military, and other people, and then everyone started showing up. It was truly a huge party with very important people from everywhere around the world. We had fireworks, and at the end of the night, me and my friends got the Ambassador of the USA to sign this posterboard that I will be bringing home with me in August, as well as we got to take a picture with him. It was truly an amazing night, and we had tons of fun!
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