So after the last blog, things were not as hectic, but yes I still have lots of stories. First off, it neared the end of my program and so we had one final trip with everyone before people started to head home again or do whatever they had planned next.
I decided to get in as many shifts at work as possible, as I knew I would miss it a lot. The shifts were just as typical as the others, but this last week the shifts got interesting again. I did one last intensive care shift this week, and we had another unsuccessful cpr. It still was rough, but I have come to be able to deal with it a lot better than the first few I saw. I also went to a fire by a building where a car burned and the fire was raising into someones home. There were pictures of me from this on one of the Israeli news sites.
Then, we got called to a person who overall wasn't feeling well, and had chest pains. When we got there we met up with the regular ambulance, and started attaching the monitor and everything else to do an EKG. As I was putting stickers on the guy, I saw his eyes roll in back of his head and heard a snoring sound. The next thing I know I heard the sound of an alarm on the monitor, and the paramedic that was with me said get the guy on the ground now and be prepared to shock him, he was in V. Fib (Ventricular Fibrillation). Within seconds we had shocked the guy, and were prepared to intubate and begin cpr, only he was still alert and responsive. We continued treatment, and quickly moved him to the ambulance. As we arrived at the hospital and went thru the security check point, we saw his blood pressure changing, and within a few more seconds as we pulled up to the front of the emergency room he went into V. Fib again, and we shocked him right before taking him out of the ambulance and into the ER. He was still conscious at this point, which was fascinating in itself, and when we wheeled him into the ICU Emergency Room, he was talking to us. What I was watching and learning about on this call was actually a heart attack occuring right in front of my eyes. I had patients with chest pain but to see him having the attack right there, it was so interesting, and an amazing learning experience.
The next and last 3 shifts were on the regular ambulance, and I had the usual car accidents, and sick people, but my very last shift, which was in fact done on the same day I was due to fly home, I got a call for a person in the road. We arrived on the scene, and yes it was our typical homeless/drunk person, but the difference with this was that it was a deaf person. It was so exciting because again, I got to be the interpreter between my driver, and the patient. It was so nice to know that I was able to help them communicate.
Anyway the 2 nights before my flight home, I went out to dinner with friends. We had a lot of fun, and I got to say goodbyes as time passed. The last dinner with everyone was so sad, as three of us were about to head to the airport. Dinner started late and so I was a bit nervous about time, but I got to the airport and got on my plane, and am now home safe.
These past 6 months included the most amazing experiences of my entire life, and I will always remember what I learned and experienced while in Israel. I made lifelong friends and memories to last me a liftetime. I do in fact miss Israel already, but I know in my heart that it wasn't the last time I will be there in my life because I ambsolutely feel as if its my other home.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is my job even when bad things happen...
Okay, it took me a little bit to find how I would talk about this incident, but I decided I need to just tell the story as it happened. Last Monday night I went back in to Jerusalem to work a night shift with a friend, and then help with practical tests for the new course that was about to end. During lunch I was asked to come with a friend on the ambulance to go to the office and getting supplies for a ceremony we were having later that day, and he said we would grab lunch while we were out. So we went to the office, picked up another friend while there, and got some food. We were driving back towards the course when the pager went off that there was a shooting 2 seconds away from where we were. Since we had an ambulance we were the neareast ambulance to the seen, and were asked to go respond to the call. We arrive on the scene and all I can see is soldiers and SWAT and Police and people everywhere. Then more ambulances started to arrive and other Conanim(1st responders) for MDA. Right in front of the ambulance I was on was a tractor that you could see someone laying there dead. I started to have a weird feeling while I waited for my 2 friends to come back from assessing the scene and let me know what was up. They then told me it was a terrorist attack not just a shooting, and that we were the first ambulance on scene. I kept my cool, and continued to do what was asked of me. There was a guy evacuated in the intensive care ambulance with a amputated leg, and then almost 20 other patients. The terrorist was the person shot, and he did in fact get killed. We took a person to the hospital as well with problems with his back from the car accident that resulted from this event. We were not able to go back to the course for a few hours after that or eat our food. I stayed calm throughout the entire event, but it was truly the first time I was afraid of anything here in Israel. I finally felt the feeling that Israelis feel every time there homeland is attacked. This is my other home, and I do not want to see people destroying it, and thats what hurt me more than anything. I wish there would just be peace.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I know its been a while...sorry!
Ok, so yes it has been a while, but as always a lot has gone on recently. Since then, I have still been working, and hanging with friends. The weekend after the fourth of July, I had another CPR of a 27 year old with cancer. It was a rough call because of how young he was but I dealt with it the best anyone can. I had a call almost 2 weeks ago to a very interesting situation. We were called to a guy that was not feeling well in a house of ill repute. It was not a place I ever thought I would walk into, but in the end the guy refused to come to the hospital. The night after this weird call, I went to a friend from MDA's house for a Shabbat weekend with friends. We had Shabbat dinner together, and lunch together but Friday night was the best part of the weekend. We played some card games, and then somehow all of us ended up getting thrown into the pool in our clothing. We were laughing and joking around like crazy, and it was seriously a fun weekend. Then during the week after that Shabbat, I got a call to a stabbing. When we arrived on scene and got the patient in the ambulance, we bandage the stabbing on his head as well as the one on his ear, his ear was kind of hanging there, but was cut pretty was not a pleasant sight. I was angry about this call because of what I found out after. The guy who got stabbed was an Israeli soldier, and the person who stabbed him stole his weapon at the same time and got away. That had been the 2nd time this happened in 2 days, and it was really upsetting to think about. Then, this past week, another course started for the overseas program with MDA. I have been back and forth there to help out with the course logistics. It has been fun, and I also got a call there in Bayit Vagan. We were downstairs organizing uniforms for the new students, when we heard that there was a call down the block. It was a call for an unconcsious person. Three of us went to the call, and it turned out to be a CPR. The person did not live, but I did see something interesting at the end of the call. For the first time I saw a family say kaddish right then and there while we were on scene. The son ripped his shirt as well and lit a yiskor candle all within minutes. It was a little hard to see that but thats what happens. After the call we were heading back to the course, and something a little funny happened. My friend was driving out of the street and braked at the end before pulling out. Right after he stopped a little kid on a bicycle came riding out of nowhere into the car and flew off his bike. We were in shock but the kid jumped back up and told us nothing was wrong and he was ok. One friend got out to make sure he was ok and my other friend was busy asking if the car was okay. It was pretty amusing, but the kid was fine and left with his friends right after. Also, this week the exchange of 2 Israeli soldiers that had been kidnapped during the last Lebanon war took place. We gave back almost 200 dead terrorists and 5 live terrorists for our soldiers to come back dead. I was extemely angry by this because it makes them get what they want when they get live terrorists back who are sayin they will just go do the same things again. We cant keep giving in to what these people want, it will never help Israelis and Arabs come to any sort of peace over the land. The fighting has to stop sometime...but sadly I dont think it ever will. During the week I came back to do a shift in Tel Aviv, with my friend and driver Elchanan. We got a call near the end of the shift to a car accident. It was a 3 car accident but 2 cars were fine and left not long after. The 3rd car of people wanted to go to the hospital but wanted to go to the hospital that was closer to their homes which we could not go to, so they asked us to just give them the forms and check their vitals. Elchanan asked me to check the guy in the back seats pulse right before we finished up, and as I went to check it his friend decided to start driving and ran over my toes. I was screaming and finally someone realized and had the guy back up off my foot. I am ok, I have iced it and been taping it since then. It didnt pay to go get xrays because even if it is broken there isnt much that can be done for a broken toe. Then, I also spent Shabbat at the course. It was a lot of fun, and we played our MDA game of Jungle Speed as usual. It got a little violent but it was tons of fun. After shabbat we left for Tel Aviv, and I am now getting read to head back from Ranaana to my shift with Elchanan. I think I may have missed some things in this update but so much happens on a daily basis that it is hard to keep up with it all sometimes. I will be heading back to the course on Tuesday to help with testing, and then to go to the Yochai Porat Ceremony...he is the guy who founded the overseas program. After that we will go out hopefully to celebrate the end of the course. I have less than 3 weeks here in Israel, and I am getting so sad about having to leave here. It will be great to see my family and friends again, but I will miss being here in Israel with everyone. Lauren, I cant wait to be in NY with you cause you will be my connection to MDA and to Israel once back in NY, and I love you and miss you lots. Anyway, as you can now read all is well still, and I am still having the time of my life. Looking forward to hearing comments back from people. Love you all!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!

Okay so I can not believe it is July 4th already. Time has flown by and I am still having an amazing time! Yesterday was an interesting day. I was asked to come help with a booth for American Friends of Magen David Adom, at the US Ambassadors house for a 4th of July celebration on July 3rd. I worked the event with 3 of my friends from the overseas program. We got there early to deal with the security stuff and set everything up, and it was a good thing we did. The view was gorgeous and we got to just hang out at the Ambassadors house which was huge! So before people came we took some pictures of the various food things they had there, and other things that were around. They happened to have a booth from the restaurant Hooters, and so of course I had wings which were amazing. Being that it was the Ambassadors house we also had some US Navy, US Marines, and US Army personnel present. There were also secret service all over as the Prime Minister of Israel was coming to the party. Anyway, we got pictures with the US military, and other people, and then everyone started showing up. It was truly a huge party with very important people from everywhere around the world. We had fireworks, and at the end of the night, me and my friends got the Ambassador of the USA to sign this posterboard that I will be bringing home with me in August, as well as we got to take a picture with him. It was truly an amazing night, and we had tons of fun!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Updating again...

So things are still going great! Working every week still like always, and spending time with friends, and getting to travel a bit as well. This past week I was in Jerusalem for Shabbat and the beginning of the week working with people there, and helping with another MDA course. Also, during the shift in Tel Aviv on Sunday that I worked, we had to change the tire of the ambulance. So in the middle of the road we pulled over with the driver, me, and a 16 year old volunteer and changed the tire on the ambulance, that was a fun experience. Wednesday until today (Friday), we were on another 3 day trip with the program. This time we went to Haifa, and it was a lot of fun. We went to a mosque, a navy base, we were right next to the border of Lebanon in which we could see right into Lebanon. Also, went to learn about other communities in the area, and it was a great trip overall. Overall everything is going great, and I am sad to realize the program is almost over, but I did in fact officially apply to FDNY EMS, as of this past week. Miss you and love you all.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sorry for not updating sooner...
Ok, I know I am taking forever to update, its just been a bit busy recently. Last weekend I had a five day weekend which was great cause I got to rest after the accident and all. Shavuot was that weekend as well, which is why I had so many days off. That Saturday, I went to the beach. Got really sunburnt in like only 2 hours. That night I met up with 7 friends, and we planned for a trip a little North of Tel Aviv for the next day. We went to the beach at Park HaDayag, which is about 45 minutes from where I live right now. We got there, and set up tents since we would be camping out overnight. We went swimming, made a barbecue, made a campfire, and just hung out. Then on Monday which was Shavuot we got up early and went swimming again at 8 am. Played football, cards, etc. and made another barbecue. After lunch, we packed up and prepared to head home. I got a nice tan now, and had so much fun. It was honestly a greatly needed and relaxing fun trip. Since then, I have been working again all week, and now am just relaxing and enjoying the weekend. Things are going great here still, and 4 months has now flown by. I am posting some pictures from the camping trip here.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
feeling better...
Ok, I am feeling better, and rested from this week. Just want everyone to know I am okay and doing better. I am now going to enjoy Shavuot with friends. Back to work on Tuesday. Hope everyone at home is doing well.
Love you all! Only 2 more months!
Love you all! Only 2 more months!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I officially saved a life...FOR REAL!!!

So I had my first successful cpr the other day! I was helping with compressions, suctioning, breathing and lots more, and we got the patients pulse back and still had it when we got her to the hospital. It felt amazing to now be able to say I really saved a life.
Then yesterday I was in a car accident with the ambulance but it wasnt bad and I am okay. I promise I am safe and being careful.
Last night though, on my night shift I had an insane call. I had my first prisoner in the ambulance with a police officer coming with for the transport. He was chased on his motorcycle by the cops, and ended up crashing his bike into a bench and breaking it taking part of it with the bike, that landed in and sort of under a parked car nearby, and the other part of the bike broke another cars window, and the patient landed further ahead. I took some pics so I will have to post those later. It was really interesting to see that he was actually alive with the way this accident looked.
Now I am off until Tuesday so we shall see what next week brings!
Then yesterday I was in a car accident with the ambulance but it wasnt bad and I am okay. I promise I am safe and being careful.
Last night though, on my night shift I had an insane call. I had my first prisoner in the ambulance with a police officer coming with for the transport. He was chased on his motorcycle by the cops, and ended up crashing his bike into a bench and breaking it taking part of it with the bike, that landed in and sort of under a parked car nearby, and the other part of the bike broke another cars window, and the patient landed further ahead. I took some pics so I will have to post those later. It was really interesting to see that he was actually alive with the way this accident looked.
Now I am off until Tuesday so we shall see what next week brings!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Trip to the North...

So this past weekend we went on a trip up north to the Golan Heights. We were able to Syria from a lookout point at the beginning of the weekend, then went on a beautiful 3 hour hike which some of the pictures will be on here in which we went by the waterfalls during it as well. Then the next day we went to a Kibbutz where if we had climbed over the fence we would be in Lebanon. We were able to see the United Nations buildings there, the army vehicles driving along the border, etc. Just realizing how close we actually were was very interesting. Then after that we went Kayaking for the afternoon, before going back and getting ready for Shabbat. Then on Saturday we had an optional hike, a group discussion, and just a day of relaxation which was great. The mosquitos definitely got to me though over the weekend and I now have a bunch of bug bites. The weekend is over now, and its back to work today for me. Lets see what experiences I face today.
Friday, May 23, 2008
I passed my course!!! :)
Ok, sorry its been a while. So as I said, I took an advanced course with MDA this past week or so. I did the 88 hour course and the course Natan which is the ICU course. I learned how to prepare meds to give in IVs, learned how to do an IV, how to deliver babies, and much more. I passed the course, and can now do all of this when working on the ambulance. I am really excited to get to expand my skills on the ambulance.
Yesterday, we had a seminar again for my program and we learned about the disengagement. After that, we ended the day with the MASA Mega Event. This is a celebration for all the Israel long term programs including my program. They took us to the Latrun armored corps location, and we had the Prime Minister speak to us, and bands performed, they had fireworks and much more. It was so much fun. My mom has access to all of these pictures if anyone would like to see.
It is almost 4 months already that I have been here in Israel, and time has flown by. I am now living in a different apartment with one of my friends from the program. Her name is Nadine, and she is from New Jersey. We get along great, and I am so happy to be living with her. I will keep updating more often now that my courses are over.
Miss you and love you all!
Yesterday, we had a seminar again for my program and we learned about the disengagement. After that, we ended the day with the MASA Mega Event. This is a celebration for all the Israel long term programs including my program. They took us to the Latrun armored corps location, and we had the Prime Minister speak to us, and bands performed, they had fireworks and much more. It was so much fun. My mom has access to all of these pictures if anyone would like to see.
It is almost 4 months already that I have been here in Israel, and time has flown by. I am now living in a different apartment with one of my friends from the program. Her name is Nadine, and she is from New Jersey. We get along great, and I am so happy to be living with her. I will keep updating more often now that my courses are over.
Miss you and love you all!
Friday, May 16, 2008
More updates...
Ok, so I took a course this week again with MDA. I got to learn about icu medications, learn how to start an iv, learned more about birth, and much more. It was a lot of fun being with my friends in class again. Now this week is back to working on the ambulance. The weather is amazing, and I am now living with my friend Nadine in a 2 person apartment instead of a 4. It is a lot of fun.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Some pictures from Yom Ha'atzmaut
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Getting ready for this week's festivities...
As for the weather during Pesach it was very warm out all week. Now we went back to typical Spring weather, but it is still a lot warmer than NY is now. I have not had time to go swimming yet, but I live 5 minutes from the beach so I will get the opportunity all summer. It is so pretty this time of year with this weather though.
Anyway, tonight begins the holiday of Yom Hazikaron which is the memorial for the soldiers, and then tomorrow night as it ends begins Yom Ha'atmaut, the Israeli Independence Day. There are lots of events and programs going on the next day or so, and work is busier because of it as well. It will be interesting to see how they celebrate their independence day compared to how we do July 4th. This is the 60th birthday of Israel though so its even more special this year. I will definitely post all about it after the celebrations are over.
This week at work and last has been going well. Still pretty busy, and learning more and more each day. Monday begins my next course for MDA, and I will be learning how to start a line with IVs as well as many other things. I am really looking forward to that.
Hope everyone at home is doing well. I miss you and love you all!
Anyway, tonight begins the holiday of Yom Hazikaron which is the memorial for the soldiers, and then tomorrow night as it ends begins Yom Ha'atmaut, the Israeli Independence Day. There are lots of events and programs going on the next day or so, and work is busier because of it as well. It will be interesting to see how they celebrate their independence day compared to how we do July 4th. This is the 60th birthday of Israel though so its even more special this year. I will definitely post all about it after the celebrations are over.
This week at work and last has been going well. Still pretty busy, and learning more and more each day. Monday begins my next course for MDA, and I will be learning how to start a line with IVs as well as many other things. I am really looking forward to that.
Hope everyone at home is doing well. I miss you and love you all!
Friday, April 25, 2008
I know, its been a bit since I updated...sorry!
So, my internet was down for a few days, so I apologize for the delay in updating. Pesach was nice here in Israel. I was at one of my camp friends family's for the seder, and it was very different than I was used to. I had never heard so much Hebrew in a seder in my life, so it was very shocking to hear that. Also being that they eat the Sephardic way, they had certain foods on the table that we dont usually eat on Pesach as Ashkenazi Jews. It was a bit awkward to see that at first, but I got adjusted. The week has gone well, and I have been enjoying the holiday and still was busy working the entire week.
I have decided that I really dont want to go to nursing school. I am going to apply to work for the FDNY as an EMT, and then advance to Paramedic hopefully by taking a course through them. I belong on the ambulance working with patients one on one. This is the job for me and this internship has already shown me that in such a short period of time.
As for the guys here...I have met some nice guys, but recently have been hanging out with one in particular. His name is Oded, and he lives here in Israel, but he is fluent in English. He has never been to NY before, but has lived for 6 months in Canada...and has done some other traveling as well. We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other recently, and really are getting along great. I just was with his family for Shabbat dinner, and it was a really nice evening.
I have to go get ready for my first Friday night shift in Tel Aviv. I will update again soon!
Miss you and love you all!
I have decided that I really dont want to go to nursing school. I am going to apply to work for the FDNY as an EMT, and then advance to Paramedic hopefully by taking a course through them. I belong on the ambulance working with patients one on one. This is the job for me and this internship has already shown me that in such a short period of time.
As for the guys here...I have met some nice guys, but recently have been hanging out with one in particular. His name is Oded, and he lives here in Israel, but he is fluent in English. He has never been to NY before, but has lived for 6 months in Canada...and has done some other traveling as well. We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other recently, and really are getting along great. I just was with his family for Shabbat dinner, and it was a really nice evening.
I have to go get ready for my first Friday night shift in Tel Aviv. I will update again soon!
Miss you and love you all!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Get ready for some more crazy stories...

So, this past weekend, I was in Arad, which is actually a development town near Be'er Sheva. We had a dialogue seminar with Israelis, and it was actually really nice to meet other people our age that live here in Israel.
Anyway, after the weekend I came back and had to go straight to work Saturday night for the overnight shift. I was working with another girl from my class, and a senior medic. So we started out the shift being brought to the guy we were working with and he already had a patient in the ambulance. That should have been the sign that a crazy night was about to begin, but its okay. So then after that, we got 2 calls in which there was nothing found when we arrived there, so we left the scene. After that we get called for a drunk in a hotel. It seemed like the hotel room was decorated for a special reason, and she got sick from drinking during the celebration. Then, we had a homeless guy who had called with shortness of breath. After that guy we got called to a bar, and when we arrived a girl gets in with blood soaking her hand. She had been dancing on a chair, and decided it was smart to put her hands up while dancing. The only thing she forgot to look at was the fan above her, and so she cut her fingers on the moving fan and had to have surgery and stitches. After that we tried to go to sleep for a bit but not even one hour later we got called again to another drunk and found her on the ground outside a car. We got her to the hospital and now it was six in the morning and at 645 we usually head back to the main station, but we decided to try to lay down anyway.
The story of the night gets even more intense now...we got another call. We were told by our driver it was a post CPR call, so we were a bit confused. We got there and I checked his pulse and found that he had none, and he felt very cold already as if he had been there like that for a while. So the medic told me to begin compressions and start CPR. This is the gross part, when I started doing them, I actually heard and felt myself break some of the guys ribs from doing the compressions correctly. That felt so strange, but I knew that it is something that happens on occasion when doing CPR. So then we called for the Intensive Care Unit that has a doctor on it, and he arrived, and pronounced the guy dead as soon as he felt him and looked in the guys eyes. So I had another death. By then it was almost 7am and it was time for the shift to end. So overall, it was an extremely busy and eventful shift, and we ended up not getting any sleep.
I hope this was interesting for all of you, even though its a but gory. I work again today at 3pm so I will let you know if anything else crazy occurs.
Miss you and love you all!
Monday, April 7, 2008
another interesting day...
So on April 7th, I had another eventful day with the ambulance. I started my day off with getting called to something about a person hitting their head. When we arrived I heard the people explaining to the medic with me something about upstairs, and downstairs, and then we began to go downstairs. As we get near the bottom level we learn that a person is laying there motionless. I soon find out he jumped from the 5th floor down and hit his head on the steps, cracking open his skull, and bled out a lot. The patient committed suicide, and it was not a pleasant site. It sucks knowing we couldnt do anything to help him anymore at this point. He lost too much blood and was already going pale, even though he was still warm considering he had just died. Yes, these things arent necessarily good, but it happens, and thats part of my job. It just is sad to see someone take their own life.
Later that day, I got called to a CVA. It turned out the patients sugar was very low, and we had trouble finding a vein for the iv and finally the paramedic found a spot. Once we increased his sugar, we saw a very huge difference in his behaviors. The intensive care ambulance then took him to the hospital.
So this week is not over yet and already I have seen so much, and I only told about 2 of the calls...everyone please respond so I know you are reading this. Miss and love you all!
Later that day, I got called to a CVA. It turned out the patients sugar was very low, and we had trouble finding a vein for the iv and finally the paramedic found a spot. Once we increased his sugar, we saw a very huge difference in his behaviors. The intensive care ambulance then took him to the hospital.
So this week is not over yet and already I have seen so much, and I only told about 2 of the calls...everyone please respond so I know you are reading this. Miss and love you all!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
rough night at work...
So I worked Monday 3pm, then Tuesday 7am, and then again Tuesday night at 11pm for 8 hour shifts each time. Obviously I was exhausted by the last shift, but it was also the most interesting. Not long after the shift started we got our first call of the night. It was a patient in cardiac arrest. We arrived at the scene and someone had already started cpr, so we set up the ekg monitor, and continued compressions and started using the bvm to breathe for the patient. We inserted an airway, used suction and everything. The cpr went on for 20 minutes, and we could not get the patient to a shockable heart rhythm. We tried our best, but after 20 minutes the other intensive care ambulance that has a doctor on it came, and declared the time of death, and took the guys id card. We had to come out and talk to the family after, then lift the patient back into his bed and cover him until he was taken out of the home by a private ambulance. This was my first cpr ever, and although I stayed strong obviously it did shake me up a little. We found out after that when the family came home they found him curled up unconscious and thats when cpr was started and we were he may have been dead for a while already considering how low his body temperature was already. This was probably the toughest call yet because of the emotional aspect of it all, but luckily I was working with one of my instructors from my course so I had someone there with me to make sure I was ok. Yes, it sucks to have to tell the family the patient is dead, but thats part of my job now...I learn more and more each shift I work. I am going to sleep now since I just got home from work, but I wanted to tell everyone about this experience...miss you and love you all!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
updates and more updates...

Things are okay here. I still love Israel. The station in Tel Aviv is very different from when I worked in Jerusalem. I will be taking more courses most likely while I am here where I will learn how to start an IV line, and be able to teach courses for overseas volunteers in the future. It is all so interesting, and each day I learn more and more. Gary, I hope you had a good birthday. Miss and love everyone lots!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Internet finally works!
Just letting everyone know that the internet officially works here in my apartment, so I will be on more often again. Miss you all!
All moved in...
So I moved in to my apartment. It is a gorgeous place. I live with 3 other girls from my program. I had a great purim, and spent Saturday at the beach. It has been over 100 degrees here the past few days. Israel is amazing. You all should come visit me!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
All is well...
So, orientation month is just about over. Thursday afternoon I officially move into my apartment in Tel Aviv, which is where I will live until I come home in August. Purim is Thursday, so we are all excited for that. In Tel Aviv it is celebrated Friday, and in Jerusalem it is celebrated Sunday because of shabbat. I have been learning Hebrew for 3 weeks now, and I am able to understand a lot more now, write well in Hebrew, and even have some basic conversations with friends. It is so amazing to finally learn the language like I have always wanted. I will post a few more pictures tomorrow for everyone to see, and as I take more I will try to create a page where I can post all of my pictures. I miss everyone so much and love you all!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
More updates...
So things have calmed down a lot since last Thursday. I am still in Ulpan classes learning hebrew on a daily basis. On Monday, I went to the Jewish Agency to speak to the head of the prisons here in Israel about all different Israel programs offered to non-Israeli Jews. It was a great and interesting experience, and I will be doing something similar again in April. I went to the doctor yesterday and I seem to have a viral cold, which is actually good considering my friends like all have bronchitis, so I caught on and got to the doctor before it got worse. Other than that things are going really well. I got accepted to a 3rd program that begins this weekend, which is a leadership program. The topic I will focus on for that program is actually educating people more on sex education and health education in general here in Israel. I will tell you more about it after the first weekend program this weekend. Everything is so interesting and I learn so much each day. I miss and love everyone a lot!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Important News!
Hello everyone! I am updating today because of the recent events in Israel. The past week had been hectic in some areas of Israel, but I was completely safe. Today, I was on a trip with my group in Jerusalem. We toured orthodox neighborhoods and went to the market place to do a scavenger hunt of foods, and get some good dinner. After that I went to Ben Yehuda Street, which is a popular place that International people tend to congregate at. I was with 2 friends from my program, and then went to meet up with people from the ambulance program as well. After dinner, we called to see when we were meeting with the rest of the people that was supposed to come, we were told to get away from the area because there had been a shooting not far from where we were. A few minutes later we were informed from our program to not be in the center of Jerusalem. Seeing as we were there, we called to see what to do, and our instructor told us to get indoors to a safe place. So, we went to a friends house, and made decisions on what to do next. I continued to get updates from the ambulance about the event, and finally we decided to get a taxi back to where we were staying. Yes, people did die from this attack and many were injured, however I want you all to know I am completely safe. It was a bit scary, and it all became more realistic, but I was glad to be with my friends during the event, and I am definitely safe. I promise to update if any more news is given to me. I love you all and miss you!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Negev
So this weekend was absolutely amazing! We got on the rode before Shabbat for the Negev(which is the desert). It was so beautiful and warm out, and we had a great day. Then we went on some hikes there over the weekend, and even visited Bedouin Villages, and got to see the way they live. The entire weekend was just so relaxing, and enjoyable. I got a lot of sun, and I promise there will be pictures posted this week. Tomorrow we start our Ulpan program so I will finally get to learn conversational Hebrew. Looking forward for whats to come.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Amazing day today!!!
So, I have been volunteering with the ambulance for a few days already while I had some free time before my other programs orientation begins, and it has been amazing. Today was the best day of all. We started out the morning with a quiet morning, and then we got called to a woman in labor. When we arrived on seen the baby was crowning already and so based on protocols we had to deliver it right then and there. I assisted with delivering a baby girl today! It was absolutely amazing to see, and to get to assist. The baby is healthy, and all safe now, and it just felt so good to be able to help a person in that situation. We also got a call today for a child that was unconscious for like 10 minutes by the time we arrived, but when we got there they had gotten the child breathing and to have a pulse again. It was also a interesting thing to assist with, and seeing a young child really gets to a person. I never saw such amazing things like this on the ambulance at school, and I know I will get to see a lot more over the next 6 months.
Also, today I started my next program orientation which is the internship that assigned me to the ambulance. There are a lot more people on this program, and even a group of people from France. One of my roommates at the hotel happened to be someone I went to middle school with who was in my class back then so it is nice to catch up with her after so many years. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks.
Okay, its bedtime now. Goodnight all, I love you and miss you~
Also, today I started my next program orientation which is the internship that assigned me to the ambulance. There are a lot more people on this program, and even a group of people from France. One of my roommates at the hotel happened to be someone I went to middle school with who was in my class back then so it is nice to catch up with her after so many years. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks.
Okay, its bedtime now. Goodnight all, I love you and miss you~
Monday, February 18, 2008
I am a Certified First Responder in Israel!!!
So, it is official...I passed my First Responder Course in Israel. Starting on March 23rd, I will be volunteering at the Tel Aviv Station on the MDA Ambulance. I am so excited, and can not wait for the experiences. The weather here is it is cold, and we are expecting snow, and the wind just got a lot stronger and it started to rain. I am layering up, but its just so bad outside. Okay time to go get ready for our post course celebration!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
More updates...
So, tomorrow is my final exam for my MDA course. It has been such an amazing experience and I am so glad I chose this internship. After this I have about 5 days free, then my next training begins. During the next training, I will be going through an Ulpan program where I learn how to speak Hebrew. I am so excited for that course, because I have always wanted to learn to speak Hebrew. Anyway, more updates will be posted soon. Miss and love everyone lots!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Shabbat has arrived!
Shabbat Shalom! I am about to go get ready for the beginning of my 2nd shabbat in Israel. This one will be amazing I am sure, as I will be with all my new friends, and get time to relax, and enjoy Jerusalem. We went to Mt. Herzl yesterday and on the way back we got stuck in a hail storm, it was interesting yet we still had fun with it. Sunday we are learning about Multiple Casual Incidents, and then practicing the remainder of the day. Monday we take our final exam and our practical exam. Then, we go out altogether on Monday to celebrate the end of the course. I still am having a great time. I miss everyone back home and hope everyone is well.
:) Love You All!!!
:) Love You All!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I'm in Israel now and am safe and having an amazing time! I started my first responder course here on Sunday, and tomorrow morning we have a midterm. I have already learned a bunch of medical terminology in hebrew. I have made lots of new friends from all over the world. This truly is an amazing experience already. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Just wanted to update and say hi to everyone. I love seeing comments from all of you. Keep in touch!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Leaving this Thursday!
So, I finally started to pack. Thursday evening I leave for Israel for 6 months. I am excited for this experience, and am looking forward to my time there. Yes, I know people are worried about me, but I promise to be safe, and take care of myself. I will post on here weekly updates throughout the six months to keep everyone up to date on my experiences. Yisrael here I come!
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